
Development Projects

Our Development Projects:

SLH-25, Light-Emitting Gingerbread Heart

srce-cro-sliderSLH-25, a light-emitting gingerbread heart, is a blend of the traditional Croatian souvenir (gingerbread) and modern technology (LED lighting). The light-emitting gingerbread heart is suitable for many occasions: as a souvenir, a gift, as decoration, for promotional purposes, etc.

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tk1-promatisTK-1® is a sophisticated nanotechnology device that works on the principle of QPSK modulation in the frequency range that humans cannot hear, and serves to repel mosquitoes and moths. TK-1 is effective at a distance of up to 1.5 m and is used for personal protection.

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USB Card reader

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“USB CARD READER” was devised with the purpose of reading specially constructed USB flash drives designed in the shape of a credit card. Such a USB flash drive was created and developed by the Israeli company Walltex Inc.

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SPP 22

SPP-22 je uređaj koji se stavlja kao dodatni element na elektronsko upravljanje na uređajima u industrijskim postrojenjima, neutralizira negativan utjecaj razarajucih induktivnih struja, te sprječava mehanicko ostećenje elektronskog upravljača punilice i mogući požar.

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Military project


The development of a military electronic demining device for peacetime purposes.

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